Here's what people are saying!


If you are truly looking for a naturally gifted, authentic, jaw-dropping Medium, who is beyond astonishing.. then look no further… Julia is a naturally, gifted & talented Medium, who truly is in a class of her own - she’s one of the best…! Her abilities are a natural gift, she needed no information from me at all, and channelled my love one through her (1 million percent) she consistently, provided me with personal information that was indescribably accurate & precise, that only I could know. She didn’t stop talking or feeding me with information from spirit, it just flowed out of her.. she is a true channel for spirit. I was even able to have a long conversation with my loved one… what an experience.. what a blessing.. I cannot thank Julia enough for such a wonderful experience. The information she picks up from spirit, leaves you with no doubt in your mind she’s connecting to your loved one. The information she relayed was beyond astonishing, left me, speechless, beyond accurate, and personal, I cannot thank her enough..! Julia is worth more than 10000000 Stars.. Top Class Medium & Psychic. One of the best Mediums I have ever come across… cannot highly recommend enough, you won’t be disappointed:) Thank You, Julia for sharing your amazing gift.. much love Jud x


'Wow! Wow! Wow! I was left completely speechless with how accurate the reading was today. Every little detail was so bob on. Especially specific wording Mum would have said to us when she was alive. It was exactly what we needed to hear and gave so much clarity to the current situation. I honestly couldn't rate Julie's readings any higher and I will definitely be recommending her to all of my friends and family.

Sandy Bassi

I have gone to Julia for readings over many years now and each time I am truly blown away. I am always comforted through messages Julia brings through from loved ones in spirit, and Julia's ability to help guide me through psychic readings have been incredibly helpful. I would highly recommend Julia to anyone that is looking for guidance, or wishes to connect with the Spirit World. Julia really is the best, she is naturally gifted, accurate, and is such a kind and compassionate reader.


Julia has a lovely relaxing, soothing tone when she talks to you. She immediately puts you at ease. She sets herself a perfect balance when she guides you in the meditation and is very clear in her instruction, and I don’t feel rushed. I always enjoy my Meditation time with Julia and it’s never the same - I always feel I explore more when she guides me. I feel I could do with more of her guided meditation on CD.

Emma Wheeldon

I first met Julie over a year ago now for a private reading and I was overwhelmed at how good she was. Julie provided me with enough evidence, that I was 100% certain of the spirit she had connected with. It was an emotional period in my life and I had tears of happiness throughout the reading at the fact she had been able to connect with the spirit of recently passed loved ones and deliver much needed messages. I came away a much happier person with a lot of answers I was looking for. Well that was it then I was hooked and went back again and again and eventually I joined her weekend group and she became my teacher and very dear friend. Julie has helped me to develop so much on my journey and I have learnt a tremendous amount from her and will continue to do so as she always has so much to give. Each and every time I see Julie she always greats you with such a warm welcome and makes you feel totally comfortable and at ease. I have a lot of aims in my life at the moment and if in the future I am only half as good as Julie then I will be happy. I have a long way to go yet but I am confident that with Julie as a teacher I will go a long way and achieve all of my goals. She is an inspiration to me and I am honoured to not just be able to call her my teacher, but a true friend.

Janet White

Wow phoenix rising meditation and healing, an amazing experience & profound healing, thank you Julie - I was a little nervous not knowing quite what to expect, you're such a warm, connected soul, you gave me a space in which I felt relaxed and open to the powerful healing that came through. A month ago now, and I'm very much benefitting from it. The wonderful pages of writing that came through to you have given me a more positive focus, that I can, when I feel the need, refer to in order to meditate for further self-healing. Julie you're a star, I'll be recommending your services and thank you again for extending your abilities on mybehalf x

Jo Murphy

I first met Julie when I attended what I thought was a meditation class with a friend. It turned out to be a mediumship development class and I started out on what felt like the bottom rung of a very long ladder. Now a couple of years later I have had the pleasure of taking the most wonderful journey with Julie holding my hand, encouraging me and kicking my backside when needed (and all probably in equal measure!) to give me the confidence in myself as a medium. Julie's approach to teaching truly is wonderful and I can highly recommend her not only as a teacher but as one of the best mediums I have had the pleasure of receiving a message from and watching demonstrate. Thank you Julie.

Lauren O'Donnell

My experience of the alignment stage of phoenix healing was quite overwhelming. I felt very comfortable with Julie and was fairly easily able to relax, I really struggle to be that relaxed normally. I was aware of Julie around me and the moment she began, I felt heat through my head. I believe I must have relaxed more and more until the point that I quite honestly was on a different level. My recollections of the experience are that I felt like gold was rushing through my veins, I could tell where her hands were although she wasn’t touching me because I could feel such heat. At one point I literally felt like I kind of melted into the bed and was just (it’s very hard to explain) like part of everything not just an individual human being. The words she wrote and gave to me following the session were astoundingly accurate. It is amazing that she can get such information from me lying there with my eyes shut in silence. I would recommend this to anybody x

Sheila Ridge

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the opportunity to experience the blending with the phoenix collective. The energy in the room and my blending with the spirit world, was phenomenal. I was inspired and enlightened to the role I will play. I was liberated from my fears and the knowledge that with growth of my abilities and my relationship with spirit will bring me much joy and responsibilities.


Hi Julie, I came for a medium reading on Monday. I just want to say a big thank you. I had never had anything like that done ever before and I wasn't sure if I believed it or not but since coming to you I feel that it is defiantly real, you told me things that you couldn't possibly know. And I have lost 5 people in my life 1 female and 4 male, It is no coincidence that it was 1 female and 4 males who came through. Since coming to see you I feel so at peace now, you gave me messages that really helped me deal with the loss of my ex boyfriend. And you also gave me messages for my mum who since listening to the cd would like to come herself to see you. (As well as my mother in law) You told me things about my brother who is on the earth still and you were right on that front too. You are a very special person and I felt at ease with you the second I met you, and I would like to again thank you from the bottom of my heart. I now feel that I finally have some closure and that has helped me tremendously. I would and I will recommend you to to anyone who feels that visiting a medium/spiritualist would be a good thing for them to do. Thank you again Julie x

Melanie Bailey

My Experience of the Phoenix Having experienced many forms of healing over the years, the offer of receiving The Phoenix, a healing and spiritual awakening with a difference, was met with mixture of anticipation and excitement in equal measure and an element of fear if I’m truly honest. That said, in the very safe, experienced hands of Julia Miller, it was only minutes of lying on the massage bed when a wonderful warm heat filtered down from the crown in my head to the toes on my feet, the only comparison I could liken it to is being swaddled in a lovely warm blanket. Encapsulated in the warm glow, I was very aware that I was no longer spiritually on the bed and I was looking down at the body – mine- below, peacefully oblivious to the energy field encompassing her (me)! This, I had never knowingly been aware of before in any other healing. The word that I repeatedly heard was “reconnection” over and over again. Physically I had been suffering with painful itchy ears for several weeks, Julia did not know this at all. At one point I felt as though 500+ very fine silk like threads were being pulled from my left ear and then clarity of hearing returned. I remember thinking I’m being pulled off the bed but this needs to be cleared. My ongoing right arthritic knee had been continually swelling up over the previous week and to experience the heat that was expended on that area and the lack of swelling when the treatment was completed was nothing short of a miracle, no prescribed medication had touched it and it has remained the same and mobility is no different today than it was 5 weeks ago when I received the Phoenix healing. The written message given at the end of the treatment has been a beacon of light on several occasions since the treatment when I have doubted my ability to be an example to others and the words have not only inspired but encouraged me that I am on the right path. In summary, I slumbered out of a blissful encapsulation of love, felt rested, settled in myself both mentally and spiritually, recharged with an excitement that I had undergone an outer body healing and a knowing that life will never be the same again. Bless you Julia for being wise enough to lead the way in this healing where others will surely follow. What a gift you have given me then and daily since. xMelanie.S.Baileyx


I will try to put into words my heartfelt appreciation for the beautiful Phoenix vibrational healing that I recently received from the lovely Julie Miller. It turned out to be a quite unique type of of mind,body and spirit ....something that I'd ever experienced before. Something happened to me that evening, during the healing process, which is difficult to explain; it was a healing venture like no other... Over the past two years I have been accustomed to living with persistent pain and I've been more than aware of the limitations of my physical body, being constantly analytical of the discomfort and restraints it had put upon me; I have been functioning on/in, what has felt like, a dense physical level for body, mind, and energy levels feeling not in tune with one another. The healing I experienced that evening was that of a remarkable energy; a powerful cleansing beyond the denser physical elements of my being. Wave after wave of potent, energetic vibrations surged through me so much so that, at one point, I became aware of not being able to feel my physical form. I was able to let go of any previous discomfort, thus relaxing and reconnecting with myself on a higher spiritual vibrational frequency. I was guided to move upwards through many multidimensional levels beyond the restrictions of my denser physical self; I left that behind, on the couch, for the vibrational energies to cleanse, for them to dislodge any blockages and to repair my physical body ( in a non-invasive way ) adjusting it back to a state of natural balance. The healing benefits of the energy I experienced was almost instant; I now have significantly less physical pain. This has, thus, given me more energy on every level, especially physically. I feel like a rebalancing has taken place through my entire has brought both peace and balance back into my life. I am grateful to spirit for guiding me to Julie for the healing...and for the amazing work that she is now undertaking. I strongly believe that the time has come for each and every one of us , who walk this earth plane, to experience this remarkable healing energy....we will all benefit from connecting to our higher selves...because we are more than just a physical body........... Thank you Julie for sharing your gifts of love, light and healing..xx Jane

Julie Scatterson

Julia is absolutely fantastic, she is a brilliant teacher and Medium. She is always ready to help anyone and is very humble about her abilities. I would recommend Julia to anyone and have utmost trust in her, Thank you for everything Julie xx

Lorraine Fraser

I’ve been in Julia’s development class for nine years now. Julia is the most wonderful teacher and person. I’ve grown in confidence, in every aspect that I have been taught. I’ve made life long friendships, and have found my path to become a healer. The journey I have been on with Julia, has awakened my true self as a medium, and healer .