Everyone has the ability to unlock their own spiritual abilities. You too can learn how to heal using energy, or read tarot or oracle cards. Take a look through the courses avaliable and select one that interests you. Courses can be delivered 1-1, or in groups, on dates that suit you.

Attunement to Reiki 1 £120

Reiki is a Japanese Energy Healing Modality. It is a popular and well known form of healing As a Reiki Master/Teacher I am able to attune students to the Universal Life Force Energy as taught by Mikao Usui. Reiki 1 is the first step on your Reiki journey. You will be attuned to the Reiki energy by the use of symbols. You will be shown how to use this energy for self-healing, healing others, and so much more. Price: £120 for an 8 Hour Course. This course can be delivered in person or online.

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Attunement Reiki 2 £150

Reiki 2 is the next step in your Reiki journey. During this attunement you will receive more of the Reiki symbols enabling you to heal others and send distant healing. Once you are attuned to this level, you are able to be insured as a practitioner. Price: £150 for 8 Hour Course. This course can be delivered in person or online.

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Reiki 3 - Master/ Teacher £180

Reiki 3 is the Master/Teacher Level - this is when you will receive all of the symbols, which will enable you to begin to attune others. Price: £180 for 8 Hours. This course can be delivered in person or online.

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Tarot for Beginners £60

Learn the basics of the tarot cards. There are 78 cards in a Tarot Deck, divided into the Major Acana and the Minor Acana. The minor acana are divided into suits (much like playing cards}. Price: £60 for 2 hours tuition. This course can be delivered in person or online.

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Oracle Card Reading for Beginners £60

On this course you will learn about reading the Oracle cards and how to relate them to different situations in your/ others' lives. Price: £60 for 2 hours tuition. This course can be delivered in person or online.

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Chakra and Chakra Balancing £60

On this course you will learn about each Chakra, its meaning and use. You will also learn how to clear and balance you Chakras. Price: £60 for 2 hours . This course can be delivered in person or online.

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