We also offer an online sanctuary & library for spiritual seekers & soul explorers to connect, learn, and grow TOGETHER

If you a spiritual seeker, or a soul explorer, and want to surround yourself with like minded people, in a welcoming, friendly, non-judgemental, safe, and comfortable space, then why not come and join our lovely online community, in our online Soul Cafe!

The Soul Cafe is an online sanctuary and library for spiritual seekers to learn & grow TOGETHER, hosted by myself, Julia Miller, and Clair Anderson.   

Being part of the group will give you access to: 

  • Weekly Live Meditations
  • Weekly Group Card Reading
  • Monthly Guest Speakers
  • Monthly Guest Experts
  • Monthly Healing
  • Finding your tribe
  • Monthly Themes
  • Monthly Cuppa and Conversation
  • Private Facebook Group

All of this from the comfort of your home.

If you would like to join us, you can subscribe to the group, or find out more, on our Soul Cafe Website HERE.

We look forward to seeing you there!